Firstly I have had no internet since Friday night, currently on my laptop with limited wireless, so will have to report first thing Monday morning, but thanks to my very good friend Sue I have been kept very busy to really notice and have had a weekend of absolutely no stitching. None. Nothing. Nada! And I am completely exhausted.
Weekend started Friday night, when I went out to Sue’s to check one of her beef cows, too much milk for her calf. Ever tried to milk an eight year old beef cow? No? Well she was excellent, didn’t move, didn’t kick, brilliant. Not so brilliant mastitis in one quarter, so milked out as much as we could, and decided course of treatment, which meant a trip to the Vet’s on Saturday morning. Out again to Sue’s milked as much as we could, inserted (lovely tech word there) some ‘dry cow’ up her teat to help treat the mastitis, then three injections later ‘Pretty Face’ was starting to feel like a pin cushion.
Sterling Silver
So while there I was like better bring Polly in as well, her calf isn’t touching that front quarter either. Polly is only three, and again she was a little trouper, even milked her into a bucket. Went back again this morning, and milked her again, just to keep on top of it, her heifer calf is only four days old, and of course silly me forgot the camera. She is such a little sweetie.
Gourmet Popcorn - Yes I know it's sideways... tomorrow, I'll fix tomorow
Now why was my weekend so exhausting, because Sue and I attacked the Wilderness! And I am happy to say it is no more. All my bins are full and the neighhours offered me their trailer as they were going to the dump, and we filled it too. Still more to rake up, but at least I can see all the fences and hopefully deter any snakes that thought my yard was a good place to hang out. No photos of non-wilderness, maybe tomorrow.
But I did take time out to photograph some of my roses, the first two roses are the same flower, a Delbard (French rose) France Libre, taken with sun shining directly on the rose. No adjustments to the photo, that is it, nearly incandescent. The next one is taken right on dusk, no flash, again no adjustments to photo. The other roses have their names under them.
I did say my weekend was busy, Dad came down today to pick up ‘Alan’ the cow, he dropped me off some goat manure for the roses, and another visitor for me to take care of for a couple of hours, until his new owners came to pick him up… Lando, and he is a boy.
Laying on the ground, looking up, he was such a good boy, he had just had his bottle.
Being inquisitive, in other words trying to stare down the camera.
Strange photo I know, but I couldn't resist, half his face was blurred, so cropped out the blurry bit.
And a very unique way of looking at the carport and pot plants.
Lastly it was a beautiful weekend, just look at that sky. Gonna be a hot summer, if this weekend is anything to go by. I'm exhausted the dogs are exhausted, they are in bed, and I'm heading off there right now. So good night, or good morning, and seeya soon.
LiBBiE in Oz :@