Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And This Little Pig said Cow-Day-Wednesday

Yes I realise that is a photo of long-dog Podge, so adorable isn't she?
And a second and third adorable! So so so pretty!
So today is the second last Cow-Day-Wednesday of the year 2011, and it nearly didn't happen, after surviving the break-in last month, one line of corrupt data, nearly stopped the sale before it started. So after over an hour of on-line support, searching to seek and destroy that line, our IT man found it, and fixed.
So no chance to take any photos, it was a miserable drizzly day, this found me dipping into my CWD Spares folder of photos, these were taken last month on a bright sun shiney day.
All Texas Longhorns, yes we do have them in Oz. This is Dad.

So one more official Cow-Day-Wednesday, but will be going home to the farm for Christmas, and two of the cows are due to calve. May even be lucky and get to photograph a birth.

Talk soon, more long-dog photos, along with some stitching... LiBBiE in Oz


  1. awwww podge is adorable .... love it when you get them snoozing like that ... and the cows are cute too ... glad you got the computor problem sorted out :) love mouse xxx

  2. Ohhhhhh, I just want to kiss that cute little black nose!!!!!!

  3. Had me worried for a minute when I saw Podge! I do love the cow pictures.....Some of them look like they are posing for you!

  4. I do love Wednesday Cow Day but I am so glad that you added a pic of the cute long dog.

  5. Wednesday is my favorite day!! Love the pictures of these beauties. Podge IS adorable and don't you dare leave her out!! Whiskers is my favorite though. Hm... an ex-patriot I see...did he choose to leave our fair country or was he dragged kicking and bellowing? LOL Thanks for the kind comments on my blog, and who knows? We might even be related, wouldn't that be a kick? Poor you....
