Nine days into winter, and it has finally struck, while the sun was shining, there no heat, and as the day went on a cold breeze turned into a freezing, piercing wind.
Cattle numbers were down, more to the fact that we have had good rain, than that it is so cold... Oh look I sound like what I am, a cattle auctioneers secretary.
I think I have a thing for bellowing cattle, managed to snap this little fellow below, obviously looking for mum.
Isn't it interesting, how half a step to the right, and then a full two steps to the right, can have such a dramatic effect on a photo. The first two below are the same beast, the third is different, but both were in the same pen.
And because I couldn't resist here is the bellower again (yes it is the same photo except in portrait.
What beautiful cows, what kind are they?? Not being a farmer I have no clue.