Monday, January 24, 2011

And This Little Pig said Sky, Nests & Eggs

I had an extremely busy weekend, yes Danni, I'm fine :D I worked on Saturday at a cattle sale, and this was the only photo I managed to take, before I was quite literally run off my feet. I was sitting at the registration desk, looked up and thought, 'really blue sky, should take a photo of that through the trees.' So I did. It was hot, started early, finished late, and did not turn on any computer until I went to work this morning. Don't think I have ever done that before.
When I got home this afternoon, the first thing I saw was that a nest had blown down and was sitting in the middle of the backyard. No baby birds or eggs, thank goodness.
The inside...
Closer inside, that looks like cow hair.
And what's a nest without eggs, even if they are chook eggs, Barnevelder eggs from the farm.
Love Barnie eggs, brown with lovely dark brown spots.
I have been stitching, will get update photos tomorrow, with hopefully my first finish for 2011 and my first Crazy!

Currently on puppy watch, even though Evie is not due till Saturday, she could go anytime from Wednesday onwards. So put the whelping box up tonight, just have to convince Evie this is were the puppies are going to be be born, not under the lounge-room chair!

Nite all... LiBBiE in Oz


  1. I was so hoping that you would give an update on Evie...can't wait to see the furbabies.

  2. Sounds like you've had some busy days!! Thanks for taking a picture of blue sky, it's been ages since I've seen one, so I'll have to live vicariously through you!! Can't wait for Evie to have her babies, I'm sure you can't either. And I hope Evie realizes that location, location, location is the most important part of planning her delivery! *wink* Good luck, Evie!! *Hugs*

  3. Haaa...this made me laugh!! (But seriously, thanks for letting ME know that you're ok!! I was worried about you) :-)
    Wow - that's quite the blue in your sky. Mind sharing some?
    Mmm, eggs with spots, how lovely - your egg cups are cute.
    Best of luck to you's hoping you have many healthy pups quickly!
