Saturday, January 29, 2011

And This Little Pig said Still Waiting

Yes one and all we are still waiting! Evie's actual due date is today/tomorrow, and she has her legs firmly crossed.

Last night I was sure she was going to go, so up and down several times during the night to check, and all I got was, "Yes I was asleep."

So this afternoon we all sat outside and enjoyed the late afternoon, it was at least 10C cooler!
So we had some quiet time, I really love feeling the puppies move under her skin, or wiggly and squiggly. So do you think she is bigger? And if you look down towards her back leg, that lump is a puppy.


  1. What a FUN blog!
    I look forward to following!
    (And I can't help but think of the GEICO piggie commercial! Weeeeee!)

    Have a lovely and creative day!

  2. Oh my. She is so large it almost looks painful. :) I di hope and pray she has a safe whelp soon. :) And during the day so you can get some sleep. :)

  3. Hurry, hurry, Evie! We want to meet your puppies!!!!!!

  4. Do you think she could get any bigger?! Hope it is soon...I can not wait to see the little furbabies.....

  5. Oh, my, she looks as if she will POP! I hope tomorrow (your today, as you are 24 hours ahead almost) is the DATE!

  6. Awwww...what wonderful pictures! When I was growing up, my first dog was a dachshund/terrier mix. She had a litter of three pups (father of pups was a full-blooded dachshund) who were absolutely adorable. Here's wishing you a quick and easy birth, Evie!!
